Creativity and Contribution

Casio's corporate creed is "creativity and contribution." It expresses the company's commitment to contributing to society by offering the kind of original, useful products that only Casio can.
Products with innovative functions assist people in their daily lives and keep society moving forward. They also bring joy to people and help to create new culture. When even a single new product is widely adopted, whole new markets develop, and this in turn fosters growth in related industries. This is the story of Casio's contribution to society-innovative products enhancing people's lives.


What is this company for? Casio’s purpose defines its reason for being. It serves to help us understand the goals and world that we should work toward.
Through the power to put wonder at hand,
bring new levels of joy to lives one by one.

We have embodied the founding spirit of Casio in four “Cs.”
Along with the “I,” which symbolizes the future each employee will help shape, these form our five core values.
Imagination with empathy.
Creativity through unique thinking.
Change with joy.
Collaboration for realization.
Contribution to society as our stance.
The Charter of Creativity
First Chapter. We will value creativity, and ensure that our products meet universal needs*.
Casio Common Commitment
We will strive to "ensure that our products meet universal needs" and this includes not only manufactured goods, but also services and support, and everything else that we do.
We will be idealistic in all of our work.
We will carry our work through to completion, with a strong determination to take on every challenge that comes our way.
Second Chapter. We will strive to be of service to society, providing customers with delight, happiness, and pleasure.
Casio Common Commitment
We will provide people with "limitless inspiration."
We will share a "life of spiritual and material prosperity" with people.
We will foster relationships of "respect and trust."
Third Chapter. We will back up our words and actions with trustworthiness and integrity, and work as professionals.
Casio Common Commitment
We will take complete responsibility for all of our words and actions in accordance with all laws and regulations.
We will each take responsibility for our results and success, according to our individual role.
We will strive daily to improve everything we do
* To create innovative products that everyone needs but no other company has ever produced. At Casio, this is the mission not only of product development, but of every other part of the business.
The Story lays out the thinking and intention that went into the creation of the purpose as well as the beliefs that underpin it.
CASIO Creativity ‒ inspired and driven by the individual to find and satisfy unfelt needs
sleeping deep in the heart.
Through combining the power of original thinking, cutting-edge technology,
passion and our proven ability to turn ideas into reality,
we generate new and wonder-filled experiences that surprise and delight.
CASIO Contribution ‒ nurturing the new value
we create to realize cultural touchstones that enliven and enrich global society.
Our products and services spark curiosity and creativity in the people
who interact with them, opening and encouraging a spirit of challenge and growth.
By providing unheard-of ease of use, we also strive to make tomorrow more convenient and enjoyable.
Our continuing aim is the realization of a society
where every day, one by one, people can feel the joy of surpassing today.
Throughout our history, we have always pushed boundaries to create new value for the world while challenging ourselves to meet emerging needs.
And while we are flexible in the face of change, we will always remain the same CASIO at heart.
We will continue to bring our unique creativity and contribution to future generations around the world.
This is our essence, and the reason for our existence.