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Casio’s Sustainability Concept

Pursue Sustainable Growth for Both Company and Society

The Casio corporate creed, “Creativity and Contribution,” reflects our founders’ aspiration to give back to society by offering truly innovative products that never existed before.
At Casio, we believe that continuing to put this creed into practice will deliver long-term sustainable growth for both our company and society.
Founded on this philosophy and code of conduct, Casio got its start by developing a groundbreaking electronic calculator. Since the beginning, we have always considered what our social responsibilities are as a manufacturer that provides useful inventions to the world. This is how we define CSR at Casio, and to make it specific, we have identified several issues with large social impact as material issues for Casio.
As part of our management strategy, we established the Casio Medium-Term Priority Strategy for Sustainability, and we are moving ahead by linking those initiatives with our Medium-Term Management Plan. Each business sets specific targets for these plans and strategies and implements them, seeking to achieve sustainable growth for both the company and society.

Corporate Creed and Sustainability Management

Casio believes that part of its social responsibility is to pass down the corporate creed, “Creativity and Contribution,” to all of its employees without fail. Casio is determined to ensure that its businesses, which make something from nothing, or go from “0” to “1,” continue to make a consistent contribution to a more sustainable global society.
Learn more about the Casio corporate creed and its participation in the United Nations Global Compact.

Environmental and Social Material Issues

For Casio, as a corporate group pursuing business development globally, it is extremely important to advance initiatives that are responsive to the expectations of the international community. In accordance with this understanding, Casio has identified material issues in need of prioritization in response to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 guidelines issued in May 2013. Learn more about Environmental and Social Material Issues.

Sustainability Goals

In 2019, Casio set sustainability goals for each business to address, in line with its Medium-Term Management Plan, and identified which SDGs Casio will seek to contribute to. Currently, Casio is reviewing its sustainability goals, taking into account changes made to its business operating structure in order to deliver on the goals of the new Medium-Term Management Plan.
Read more about SDG initiatives in each business.

Disclosure Based on TCFD Recommendations

In April 2021, Casio expressed its support for the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Here, Casio discloses information based on the TCFD recommendations.

Identifying New Material Issues

With the formulation of CasioBasic Policies for 2030 and medium-term management plan, we have augmented existing material issues for corporate social responsibility (CSR) with additional issues aimed at achieving sustainable corporate growth. This has resulted in eight material issues organized into three groups: value creation through business, enhancement of management capital, and strengthening of management foundation.

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