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ISO26000 Content Index

There are entries corresponding to the seven core subjects defined under ISO 26000: Guidance on Social Responsibility.

Core subjects Issues of social responsibility Related Page
Organizational governance Organizational governance Message from the President
Casio’s Sustainability Concept
Casio’s Corporate Creed and Sustainability Management
Sustainability Implementation System
Corporate Governance
Corruption Prevention Initiatives / Compliance
Risk management
Human rights Issue 1: Due diligence
Issue 2: Human rights risk situations
Issue 3: Avoidance of complicity
Issue 4: Resolving grievances
Issue 5: Discrimination and vulnerable groups Issue 6: Civil and political rights
Issue 7: Economic, social and cultural rights Issue 8: Fundamental principles and rights at work
Corruption Prevention Initiatives / Compliance
Respect for Human Rights
Considering Human Rights in Corporate Activities
Making the Most of Human Resources and Maintaining
Optimal Workplace Environments
Implementing CSR Procurement
Supply Chain Management
Labour practices Issue 1: Employment and employment relationships Issue 2: Conditions of work and social protection Issue 3: Social dialogue
Issue 4: Health and safety at work
Issue 5: Human development and training in the workplace
Respect for Human Rights
Considering Human Rights in Corporate Activities
Providing Supportive Workplace Environments and Promoting Diversity
Human Resource Development
Occupational Safety and Health
The environment Issue 1: Prevention of pollution
Issue 2: Sustainable resource use
Issue 3 :Climate change mitigation and adaption Issue 4 :Protection of the environment, biodiversity and restoration of natural, habitats
Environmental Report
Fair operating practices Issue 1: Anti-corruption
Issue 2: Responsible political involvement
Issue 3: Fair competition
Issue 4: Promoting social responsibility in the value chain
Issue 5 :Respect for property rights
Casio’s Corporate Creed and Sustainability Management
Corruption Prevention Initiatives / Compliance
Implementing CSR Procurement
Supply Chain Management
Environmental Laws and Regulations Related to Casio Products and Green Procurement
Intellectual Property Initiatives
Consumer issues Issue 1: Fair marketing, factual and unbiased information and fair contractual practices
Issue 2: Protecting consumers' health and safety Issue 3: Sustainable consumption
Issue 4: Consumer service, support, and complaint and dispute resolution
Issue 5: Consumer data protection and privacy
Issue 6: Access to essential services
Corruption Prevention Initiatives / Compliance
Quality Assurance
Building a Recycling Society
Activities to Improve Customer Satisfaction
Supply Chain Management
Contributing to Society with Education Solutions
Social Contribution Activities
Community Involvement and development Issue 1: Community involvement
Issue 2: Education and culture
Issue 3: Employment creation and skills development Issue 4: Technology development and access Issue 5: Wealth and income creation
Issue 6: Health
Issue 7: Social investment
Making the Most of Human Resources and Maintaining Optimal Workplace Environments
Contributing to Society with Education Solutions
Social Contribution Activities

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