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History of Sustainability Management

History of Sustainability Management

Casio’s CSR activities have evolved with social trends over the years. This section reviews that history, showing the increasing importance of management focused on social responsibility.

1990s: Establishing Environmental Management

The 1990s was a decade of growing public criticism of corporate practices, with repeated corporate scandals in Japan. Compliance measures were advanced, including the establishment of codes of conduct by large companies. Also, the issue of global warming came to light, and global environmental problems became apparent. Against this backdrop, many Japanese companies shifted to environmental management.

Casio established its Environmental Conservation Committee in 1991 and began to pursue environmental management. In 1993, the Casio Environmental Charter was established. This led to environmental activities across the Casio Group relating to both products and production/business sites.

As a company with a global presence, Casio understands that it is vital to comply with international norms as well as the applicable laws and regulations in each country and region. In 1998, the Casio Code of Ethics was created to ensure that all officers and employees act based on high ethical standards and sound judgment.

CSR management reinforcement   Environmental initiative   Information disclosure   Social Trends

Social Trends

1990 Action Program to Arrest Global Warming established
1991 Act for Promoting the Utilization of Recycled Resources takes effect
Keidanren Global Environment Charter established
1993 Basic Environment Act takes effect

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change takes effect


ISO 14001 international environmental standard created


Kyoto Protocol adopted by the third session of the Conference of the Parties (COP3)


Act on Rationalizing Energy Use revised

Act on Promotion of Global Warming established

Casio Initiatives


Casio Environmental Conservation Committee launched


Casio Environmental Charter and Environmental Fundamental Policies established


Environmental activities reported on the Casio website

ISO 14001 certification acquired by Aichi Casio and Yamagata Casio


Casio Group Code of Conduct established

ISO 14001 certification acquired by Kofu Casio, Kochi Casio, Casio Korea, and Casio Electromex (Mexico)


Green Procurement Guidelines established

Environmental Report first published

First exhibit at Eco-Products

ISO 14001 certification acquired by Casio Electronics

2000s: Shifting to CSR Management

In addition to environmental efforts, CSR themes including human rights, labor relations, society, and product liability began to be discussed in the 2000s. CSR reports also started coming out as part of stakeholder communication efforts. A growing number of companies established CSR offices and appointed officers in charge of CSR. These efforts took place in the context of management strategy, as an indispensable element for sustainable development of the company.

In 2003, Casio reviewed its corporate creed, “Creativity and Contribution,” in light of the times, and established the Charter of Creativity for Casio to set the course for CSR management. In 2004, Casio established its CSR Promotion Office and CSR Committee. In 2005, the Casio Group identified its key stakeholder segments and started issuing the CSR Report, which clearly described the Group's responsibilities to each segment.

CSR management reinforcement  Environmental initiative   Information disclosure   Social Trends

Social Trends


United Nations Global Compact initiated

Sustainability Reporting Guidelines issued by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

Containers and Packaging Recycling Act established


Green Purchasing Act established

Act on the Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources, the Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act, and the Basic Act on Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society established


World Summit on Sustainable Development held in Johannesburg

Act concerning Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR Act) established


WEEE and RoHS Directives take effect


Kyoto Protocol takes effect


JEITA issues Supply Chain CSR Deployment Guidebook

Casio Initiatives


ISO 14001 certification acquired for production sites in Japan and four Casio Computer business sites

Environmental accounting introduced

Green Procurement Standards issued and business partner briefing sessions begin


Casio Taiwan and Casio Software acquire ISO 14001 certification


Casio Electronics (Shenzhen), Casio Electronics (Zhongshan), and Casio Techno headquarters acquire ISO 14001 certification


The Charter of Creativity for Casio established


CSR Promotion Office and CSR Committee launched

Environmental Report becomes Environmental Management Report


Environmental Management Report becomes the CSR Report

RoHS compliance achieved for all products sold in Europe


CSR Report and Corporate Profile combined to create Corporate Report


Casio Environmental Charter becomes the Casio Environmental Vision, and the Basic Environmental Policy becomes the Casio Environmental Declaration

2010s: Integrating CSR into Management Strategy

In the 2010s, the attitude of external stakeholders toward companies has been changing dramatically. In particular, more companies are highlighting their own business activities based on how they address issues targeted under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted at the United Nations in 2015. Many investors have begun to look at corporate CSR activities as part of investment criteria, labeling them as environmental, social, and governance (ESG) information. As a result, companies are starting to actively promote CSR as part of their management strategies.

Casio has also worked to meet the expectations of society through participation in international frameworks such as the United Nations Global Compact and the ISO 26000 standards for social responsibility. In 2016, Casio established a process for identifying materiality in dialogue with various stakeholders and incorporating public expectations into its CSR management.

Since 2018, Casio looking at how it can help achieve the SDGs. In 2019, in tandem with its Medium-Term Management Plan, Casio identified which of the 17 SDGs that it will contribute to and set sustainability goals for each business to address.

CSR management reinforcement   Environmental initiative   Information disclosure   Social Trends

Social Trends


ISO 26000 standard created


G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines released

International Integrated Reporting Framework announced by the IIRC


Fifth Assessment Report released by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)


Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted at the UN

Japan’s Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) signs the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)

ISO 14001 standard revised

Paris Agreement adopted


GRI Standards released

Casio Initiatives


Corporate Report becomes Sustainability Report

Joined the United Nations Global Compact


Casio Group Biodiversity Guidelines established


Analyzed current status for ISO 26000

CSR Communication Book issued

Replaced the Casio Environmental Vision with the Casio Environmental Vision 2050, and the Casio Environmental Declaration with the Casio Environmental Declaration 2020


Casio Group Basic Policy on Respect for Human Rights established

Joined the Consortium for Sustainable Paper Use


Casio Group Paper Procurement Policy established

CSR materiality studied

CSR Leader system established at Casio Computer


Material issues identified


CSR Leader system expanded to group companies in Japan


Transitioned from a “Company with a Board of Corporate Auditors” structure to a “Company with an Audit & Supervisory Committee” structure

Established sustainability goals for each business to address 


Reset medium-term greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets


Greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets validated by SBTi

Endorsed recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Information Disclosures

Generally reassessed the Casio Environmental Vision 2050 and Casio Group Environmental Policy and restructured them to create the Casio Group Environmental Principles

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