Casio’s Corporate Creed and Sustainability Management
The Corporate Creed of “Creativity and Contribution” and Sustainability Management
Mindful of its corporate creed of Creativity and Contribution, Casio has, since it was first founded, been engaged in the challenge of stimulating new needs and thereby bringing new value to the world. In 2024, to supplement our corporate creed, we set out a statement of our Purpose and Values indicating the path we need to follow.
Casio’s sustainability management means realizing sustainable corporate growth at the same time as contributing to the creation of a sustainable global society. We do this by encouraging all employees to practice our philosophy as they come together in creating new value to deliver to society.
We designate the management issues involved in combining enhancement of corporate value with the realization of a sustainable society as material issues. In 2024, we set targets and key performance indicators (KPIs) for each of these material issues. We will use these to strengthen our corporate structure for new value creation and to conduct risk management.
Throughout the changing times, we will continue working to contribute to the creation of an enriched and happy society through unique creativity.
Casio’s vision of sustainability management

Sustainability Implementation Framework
Casio joined the UN Global Compact in 2010. The company upholds the ten principles of the Global Compact, which concern human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption, and it has also fully adopted the corporate commitments.
The company draws on the ISO 26000 guidance standard on social responsibility in implementing CSR. Casio has been working to enhance its CSR programs to meet the requirements of the international community by, for example, using the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Guidelines, which are international standards, for its sustainability reports. For its integrated report, Casio uses the Integrated Reporting Framework published by the Value Reporting Foundation (VRF) and the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s Guidance for Collaborative Value Creation to select the topics to cover.

United Nations Global Compact
Casio products are made through cooperation not just within the Casio Group, but with many other parts and consignment manufacturers. Casio products are distributed and sold around the word.In order for consumers worldwide to purchase Casio products with confidence, the company believes that it must support and adhere to common global principles for sustainable growth for the international community, beginning with Casio’s global supply chain.
This is why, in December 2010, the company president signed a letter of commitment to support the United Nations Global Compact. With that step, Casio joined the compact, and it has been making employees thoroughly aware of it ever since, group-wide. While pursuing specific initiatives for the realization of the Global Compact principles, Casio is also appropriately disclosing progress.
Casio is also active at the local network level of the UN Global Compact, serving as a member of the Japanese Global Compact Network Japan (GCNJ).
10 Principles of the UN Global Compact
Human Rights
1. Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and
2. make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
Labor Standards
3. Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
4. the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor;
5. the effective abolition of child labor; and
6. the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
7. Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
8. undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and
9. encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
10. Businesses should work against all forms of corruption, including extortion and bribery.
FY2024 Participation in Global Compact Network Japan (GCNJ) Subcommittees
- SDG Subcommittee
- ESG Subcommittee
- Reporting Research Subcommittee
- Internal Implementation of GC Subcommittee
- CSV Subcommittee
Related Links: United Nations Global Compact