Environmental Data
CO₂ Emissions Throughout the Entire Value Chain FY2024

Greenhouse gas emissions (Scope1 and Scope2)
Some figures differ from those previously announced due to changes in calculation methods and data. Please see the calculation criteria for more details.
Greenhouse gas emissions (Scope1 and Scope2)
Greenhouse gas emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) calculated using the location-based standard

Scope 1 (3,556.9 t-CO2) and Scope 2 (20,168.4 t-CO2) for FY2024 are assured by a third party.
Greenhouse gas emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) calculated using the location-based standard: Breakdown by type of site

The site classification is calculated for the organizational scope of each site classification indicated in the "Scope of Data."
Greenhouse gas emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) calculated using the market-based standard

Scope 1 (3,556.9 t-CO2) and Scope 2 (20,168.4 t-CO2) for FY2024 are assured by a third party.
Greenhouse gas emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) calculated using the market-based standard: Breakdown by type of site

The site classification is calculated for the organizational scope of each site classification indicated in the "Scope of Data."
Greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 3)
Some figures differ from those previously announced due to changes in calculation methods and data. Please see the calculation criteria for more details.

*Category 1 (344,491.8 t-CO2) ,Category 4 (56,350.6 t-CO2)and Categoy 11 (5,595.5 t-CO2) for FY2024 are assured by a third party.
Energy usage
Some figures differ from those previously announced due to changes in calculation methods and data. Please see the calculation criteria for more details.

“Renewable” includes the following:
・Use of electricity generated in-house by solar panels
・Use of electricity supplied through a PPA model
・Use of electricity supplied from the power grid through a renewable energy plan contract with an electricity provider
Waste related data
Some figures differ from those previously announced due to changes in calculation methods and data. Please see the calculation criteria for more details.
Generation of waste, etc.

Valuable wastes (906.4 t) and total of wastes excluding valuable wastes(1,110.3 t) for FY2024 are assured by a third party.
Emissions of waste: Breakdown by type of site

The site classification is calculated for the organizational scope of each site classification indicated in the "Scope of Data."
Generation of waste plastics (including valuable waste) at sites in Japan
*1 Head office, Hamura R&D Center, Hachioji R&D Center, Hatsudai Estate Building, and other sites in Japan.
*2 Head office and Yamanashi Office

Figures for Casio Computer Co., Ltd. are calculated for the Casio Computer Co., Ltd. headquarters, the Hamura R&D Center, the Hachioji R&D Center, the Hatsudai Estate Building, and the company's sales offices in Japan. The figures for Yamagata Casio Co., Ltd. are calculated for the Yamagata Casio Co., Ltd. headquarters and Yamanashi Office.
Water resources

Total amount of water intake (311.6 x1000m3) for FY2024 are assured by a third party.
(Breakdown by type of site)

Total amount of water intake (311.6 x1000m3) for FY2024 are assured by a third party.
See Environmental performance data report for details.