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Environmental Data

Greenhouse gas emissions (Scope1 and Scope2)

Greenhouse gas emissions (Scope1 and Scope2)

Greenhouse gas emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) calculated using the location-based standard


  FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Scope1 6,043.2 5,729.3 5,483.1 5,619.2 5,670.1 5,268.0 4,572.0 3,618.5 3,477.1 ✓ 3,384.7
Scope2 33,372.5 32,252.5 31,703.5 29,923.5 28,182.1 27,147.7 24,616.4 22,322.9 23,281.4 ✓ 21,088.9
Total 39,415.7 37,981.8 37,186.6 35,542.7 33,852.3 32,415.7 29,188.4 25,914.4 26,758.5 24,473.6
Casio Group coverage - - - - 99.5% 99.0% 98.4% 98.7% 99.7% 99.8%

*Emissions based on the location-based standard. See “Calculation Standards” in the “Environmental Performance Data” section for details.
*No greenhouse gas emissions other than CO2.
*Items subject to third-party verification are marked with "✓".
*The coverage ratio is calculated based on the number of employees as a percentage of the data compiled for the range of organizations shown in the calculation criteria.
*The data before FY2023 has been recalculated using the CO2 emissions conversion factor from the electricity usage criteria for each fiscal year specified in the location standards.

Greenhouse gas emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) calculated using the location-based standard: Breakdown by type of site


  FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Production sites in Japan 8,610.7 8,452.5 8,735.1 7,673.6 6,508.3 5,959.8 4,575.4 3,933.6 3,552.2 3,134.8
Office sites in Japan 10,270.9 9,593.9 8,636.2 8,672.8 8,535.1 7,836.5 7,442.3 7,046.5 6,686.6 6,415.4
Production sites outside Japan 14,391.2 13,935.3 13,830.2 13,120.7 12,924.9 13,032.4 12,205.5 10,998.9 12,468.6 11,033.5
Office sites outside Japan 6,142.9 6,000.1 5,985.1 6,075.6 5,884.0 5,586.9 4,965.2 3,962.4 4,051.1 3,889.9

*Emissions based on the location-based standard. See “Calculation Standards” in the “Environmental Performance Data” section for details.
*No greenhouse gas emissions other than CO2.
*The data before FY2023 has been recalculated using the CO2 emissions conversion factor from the electricity usage criteria for each fiscal year specified in the location standards.

Greenhouse gas emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) calculated using the market-based standard


  FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Scope 1 5,268.0 4,572.0 3,618.5 3,477.1 ✓ 3,384.7
Scope 2 26,991.9 23,980.6 21,994.0 20,059.9 ✓ 16,628.2
Total 32,259.9 28,552.5 25,612.5 23,536.9 20,012.8
Casio Group coverage 99.0% 98.4% 98.7% 99.7% 99.8%

*Emissions based on the location-based standard. See “Calculation Standards” in the “Environmental Performance Data” section for details.
*No greenhouse gas emissions other than CO2.
*Items subject to third-party verification are marked with "✓".
*The coverage ratio is calculated based on the number of employees as a percentage of the data compiled for the range of organizations shown in the calculation criteria.
*The data before FY2023 has been recalculated using the CO2 emissions conversion factor from the electricity usage criteria for each fiscal year specified in the location standards.

Greenhouse gas emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) calculated using the market-based standard: Breakdown by type of site


  FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Production sites in Japan 6,142.7 4,876.9 4,214.3 3,514.2 3,293.5
Offices in Japan 7,497.9 7,085.3 6,599.0 3,435.3 1,954.6
Production sites outside  Japan 13,032.4 12,205.5 11,109.1 12,586.9 11,157.1
Offices outside Japan 5,586.9 4,384.9 3,690.1 4,000.5 3,607.6

*Emissions based on the location-based standard. See “Calculation Standards” in the “Environmental Performance Data” section for details.
*No greenhouse gas emissions other than CO2.
*The data before FY2023 has been recalculated using the CO2 emissions conversion factor from the electricity usage criteria for each fiscal year specified in the location standards.

Greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 3)


FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
t-CO2 Percentage t-CO2 Percentage t-CO2 Percentage t-CO2 Percentage t-CO2 Percentage
Category 1 Purchased goods and services 395,394.2 60.8% 377,261.3 64.5% 266,362.5 68.4% 325,258.3 71.2% 327,463.1 75.8%
Category 2 Capital goods 19,467.0 3.0% 16,698.4 2.9% 10,799.6 2.8% 15,073.0 3.3% 14,112.0 3.3%
Category 3 Fuel- and energy-related activities not included in Scope 1 or Scope 2 2,556.3 0.4% 3,988.5 0.7% 3,597.2 0.9% 3,745.2 0.8% 3,432.8 0.8%
Category 4 Upstream transportation and distribution 71,956.1 11.1% 73,665.1 12.6% 54,328.4 13.9% 73,048.0 16.0% 52,908.0 12.2%
Category 5 Waste generated in operations 1,357.5 0.2% 130.7 0.0% 117.9 0.0% 98.6 0.0% 92.4 0.0%
Category 6 Business travel 1,542.8 0.2% 1,455.1 0.3% 1,352.5 0.4% 1,319.8 0.3% 1,265.2 0.3%
Category 7 Employee commuting 1,074.0 0.2% 1,796.4 0.3% 1,497.0 0.4% 1,497.0 0.3% 1,497.0 0.4%
Category 8 Upstream leased assets 2,136.7 0.3% 1,966.6 0.3% 118.9 0.0% 105.1 0.0% 111.4 0.0%
Category 9 Downstream transportation and distribution Excluded from caluculation Excluded from caluculation Excluded from caluculation Excluded from caluculation Excluded from caluculation Excluded from caluculation Excluded from caluculation Excluded from caluculation Excluded from caluculation Excluded from caluculation
Category 10 Processing of sold products Excluded from caluculation Excluded from caluculation Excluded from caluculation Excluded from caluculation Excluded from caluculation Excluded from caluculation Excluded from caluculation Excluded from caluculation Excluded from caluculation Excluded from caluculation
Category 11 Use of sold products 120,165.0 18.5% 75,417.8 12.9% 20,372.3 5.2% 7,196.2 1.6% ✓5,556.6 1.3%
Category 12 End of life treatment of sold products 10,171.6 1.6% 9,653.5 1.7% 9,611.6 2.5% 10,136.9 2.2% 8,572.7 2.0%
Category 13 Downstream leased assets 18,482.0 2.8% 17,997.0 3.1% 17,277.0 4.4% 15,837.3 3.5% 14,577.5 3.4%
Category 14 Franchises Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Category 15 Investments 5,680.7 0.9% 5,248.0 0.9% 4,274.9 1.1% 3,419.3 0.8% 2,616.5 0.6%
Total 649,983.9 100% 585,278.2 100% 389,709.7 100% 456,734.6 100% 432,205.1 100%

*Emissions based on the location-based standard. See “Calculation Standards” in the “Environmental Performance Data” section for details.
*Items subject to third-party verification are marked with "✓".
*The data before FY2023 has been recalculated using the CO2 emissions conversion factor from the electricity usage criteria for each fiscal year specified in the location standards.

Energy usage

Figures in parentheses ( ) are MWh. Other figures are GJ.

  FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Fuel 96,934.7


Non-renewable energy 559,283.3
Renewable energy - - - - - 0.0
Total 656,218.1
Casio Group coverage - - - - 99.5% 99.0% 98.4% 98.7% 99.7% 99.8%

*Emissions based on the location-based standard. See “Calculation Standards” in the “Environmental Performance Data” section for details.
*The coverage ratio is calculated based on the number of employees as a percentage of the data compiled for the range of organizations shown in the calculation criteria.

Waste related data

Generation of waste, etc.


  2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total generation of waste,etc. 2,373.5 2,674.3 2,835.1 3,570.8 4,652.7 4,245.9 3,754.0 3,239.6 2,938.9 2,465.3
  Valuable wastes 1,152.0 1,394.5 1,646.0 1,717.0 1,975.0 1,864.7 1,610.1 1,306.5 1,354.4 ✓ 1,055.1
  Wastes 1,221.5 1,279.8 1,189.1 1,853.8 2,677.7 2,381.2 2,144.0 1,933.1 1,584.5 ✓ 1,410.2
    Recycled 745.0 751.6 500.9 969.7 2,115.6 1,178.7 1,169.3 976.7 968.4 879.1
    Reduction 211.0 321.0 461.2 182.8 194.0 715.9 811.7 619.8 524.6 404.9
    Landfill disposal 265.5 207.2 227.0 701.3 368.1 486.6 163.0 336.7 91.5 126.2
Recycle rate*1 87.7% 91.2% 90.4% 79.3% 91.7% 86.2% 94.5% 87.1% 96.2% 93.9%
Landfill disposal rate*2 11.2% 7.7% 8.0% 19.6% 7.9% 11.5% 4.3% 10.4% 3.1% 5.1%
Casio Group coverage - - - - 90.4% 91.4% 89.3% 91.0% 91.4% 91.6%

Emissions of waste: Breakdown by type of site


  FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Production sites in Japan 582.9 634.4 827.3 761.6 694.6 625.8 484.8 425.0 476.9 292.2
Office sites in Japan 769.9 703.6 661.1 725.5 718.0 674.9 728.5 813.9 486.1 561.1
Production sites outside Japan 320.6 411.6 689.1 1,456.9 2,599.6 2,250.6 1,897.2 1,552.3 1,212.0 1,104.3
Office sites outside Japan 700.2 924.7 657.6 626.8 640.5 694.6 643.5 448.4 510.8 507.7

*Recycling rate (%) = (Amount of valuable resources generated + Amount of resources recycled) / (Amount of valuable resources generated + Amount of resources recycled + Final landfill disposal amount))
*Landfill disposal rate (%) = (Final landfill disposal amount ÷ Total amount of waste and valuable resources) × 100

Generation of waste plastics (including valuable waste) at sites in Japan


  FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Casio Computer Co., Ltd.*1 102.8 99.5 100.6 52.8 107.5
Yamagata Casio Co., Ltd.*2 209.4 199.2 145.4 193.8 151.0
Other sites in Japan 96.3 69.4 86.2 50.0 53.6
Total 408.5 368.1 332.2 296.6 312.1

*1 Head office, Hamura R&D Center, Hachioji R&D Center, Hatsudai Estate Building, and other sites in Japan.
*2 Head office and Yamanashi Office

Water resources

(thousand m3)

  FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Tap water/industrial water 520.1 530.1 547.0 518.1 500.4 412.4 373.6 311.3 286.5 282.2
Groundwater 87.9 7.3 5.6 5.8 5.9 5.5 5.9 5.0 5.7 6.6
Total 607.9 537.4 552.6 524.0 506.3 417.9 379.5 316.3 292.2

✓ 288.8

Casio Group coverage - - - - 83.6% 85.2% 84.5% 78.3% 86.4% 85.6%

(Breakdown by type of site)

(thousand m3)

  FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Production sites in Japan 44.9 52.9 60.9 55.1 41.5 37.3 32.2 26.7 20.3 17.2
Office sites in Japan 167.9 85.9 79.7 81.5 77.0 75.2 72.1 52.7 57.4 62.2
Production sites outside Japan 377.7 381.5 394.8 369.7 371.1 288.4 258.6 224.4 203.1 199.1
Office sites outside Japan 17.4 17.2 17.2 17.7 16.7 16.9 16.6 12.5 11.4 10.2

Usage of parts, materials, instruction manuals, packaging materials and recycle materials

Models Certified as Casio Green Star Products and Casio Super Green Star Products

Some of the certified products (product series) are featured here.

Casio Super Green Star Products








Watch  G-SHOCK




Environmental features


Embedded projection module LH-200

Environmental Features

  • Light flux of 15.4 lm/w
  • Does not use a mercury light source
  • Product size (volume) reduced by 38% (compared to Casio XJ-A132 model)
  • Product size (weight) reduced by 35% (compared to Casio XJ-A132 model)
  • Transport efficiency increased by 115% by reducing packaging (compared to Casio XJ-A132 model)
  • Package plastic reduced by 26% (compared to Casio XJ-A132 model)

Refill tape cartridge for label printer EC-K10 (Lateco) XB-6WE and others

Environmental Features

  • Reduced plastic waste from cartridge disposal by using a tape refill method
  • Awarded Eco Mark Award 2021 Best Product


Smart Style Projector FORESIGHT VIEW  CX-F1、CX-E1

Environmental Features

  • Light flux of 16.6 lm/w
  • Does not use a mercury light source
  • Product size (volume) reduced by 38% (compared to Casio’s XJ-A132 model)
  • Product size (weight) reduced by 30% (compared to Casio’s XJ-A132 model)
  • Transport efficiency increased by 115% by reducing packaging (compared to Casio’s XJ-A132 model)
  • Package plastic reduced by 26% (compared to Casio XJ-A132 model)

Scientific calculator  GRAPH35+EⅡ

Environmental Features

  • Energy consumption during use reduced by 50%
  • Product size (volume) reduced by 23%
  • Transport efficiency increased by 93% by reducing packaging (compared to Casio’s GRAPH75+E-L-EH model)


Data projector  XJ-F211WN

Environmental Features

  • Light flux of 14.8 lm/w
  • Does not use a mercury light source

Data projector  XJ-UT352WN

Environmental Features

  • Light flux of 13.2 lm/w
  • Does not use a mercury light source


Calculator *Contains at least 70% recycled plastic (percentage of gross weight of plastic)




Casio Green Star Products

See some products that were certified as Casio Green Star Products (photos show product examples).

Calculator JS-20DC

Environmental Features

  • Solar battery powered
  • Contains at least 62% recycled plastic (gross weight ratio of plastic)
  • Package plastic reduced by 24% (compared to Casio JS-20WK model)

Electronic dictionary XD-SX9810

Environmental Features

  • Transport efficiency increased by 91% by reducing packaging (compared to Casio XD-SP6600 model)

Scientific Calculator fx-JP700CW

Environmental Features

  • Solar battery powered
  • Transport efficiency increased by 82% by reducing packaging (compared to Casio fx-570SPXⅡ model)
  • Package plastic reduced by 90% by changing packaging from blister packaging to a paper box (compared to Casio FX-85EX-S model)

Label printer EC-K10(Lateco)

Environmental Features

  • Blank space at the beginning and end of the tape reduced by 76% compared to the conventional model (compared to Casio KL-G2 model)
  • Reduced plastic waste from cartridge disposal by using a tape refill method

Watch DW-H5600 / ECB-2000TP

Environmental Features

Clock TQ-770J/IQ-151

Environmental Feature

  • Discontinued use of polyvinyl chloride

Electronic musical instrument PX-S1100

Environmental Features

  • Product size (volume) reduced by 36%
  • Loading efficiency increased by 52% in a 40 feet container (compared to Casio PX-120 model)
  • Energy consumption during use reduced by 44% (compared to Casio PX-120 model)

Handheld terminal DT-X450

Environmental Features

  • Energy consumption during use reduced by 31% (compared to Casio DT-X400 model)

Scope of Data

The scope of the environmental performance data for fiscal 2022 is shown below.

Period covered: April 1, 2022 – March 31, 2023
Sites covered: 63 Casio Group sites

However, sites for which it is difficult to monitor water usage and waste generation due, for example, to an office lease agreement, are not included in the scope of calculation.
Numerical data on environmental performance for each site is listed separately

Please visit the following pages for data of each site.

Sites in Japan
Sites outside Japan

Production sites in Japan
(2 sites)
・Yamagata Casio Co., Ltd.
・Yamagata Casio Co., Ltd. (Yamanashi)
Office sites in Japan
(20 sites)

・Casio Computer Co., Ltd. (Headquarters)
・Casio Computer Co., Ltd. (Hamura R&D Center)
・Casio Computer Co., Ltd. (Hachioji R&D Center [including Casio Electronic Manufacturing Co., Ltd.])
・Casio Computer Co., Ltd. (8 sales sites)(Northern Japan Sales Dept. under Sendai, Kanto Sales Dept. under Saitama, 
Kanto Sales Dept. under Kudan, Chubu Sales Dept. under Nagoya, West Japan Sales Dept. under Osaka, West Japan Sales Dept. under Hiroshima, Kyushu Sales Dept. under Fukuoka and other sites)
・Casio Business Service Co., Ltd. (Headquarters)
・Casio Business Service Co., Ltd. (Kofu)
・Casio Techno Co., Ltd. (Headquarters)
・Casio Techno Co., Ltd. (Technical Center)
・Casio Techno Co., Ltd. (West Japan Repair Center)
・Casio Marketing Advance Co., Ltd.
・CXD Next Co., Ltd.
・Hatsudai Estate Building
・Repplex Inc.

* Data for Casio Human Systems Co., Ltd., and Casio Communication Brains Co., Ltd. have been included in the data for the sites where they are located.

Production sites outside Japan
(4 sites)
Asia (4 sites)
・Casio (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
・Casio Electronic Technology (Zhongshan) Co., Ltd.
・Casio Timepiece (Dongguan) Co., Ltd.
・Casio Electronics (Shaoguan) Co., Ltd.

Office sites outside Japan
(24 sites)

Asia (11 sites)
・Casio Electronics (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
・Casio Computer (Hong Kong) Ltd.
・Casio (China) Co., Ltd.
・Casio (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd.
・Casio India Co., Pvt. Ltd.
・Casio Taiwan Co., Ltd.
・Casio Soft (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
・Casio Singapore Pte., Ltd.
・Casio Malaysia Sdn. Bhd
・Casio Marketing (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
・Guangzhou Casio Techno Co., Ltd.
Europe (7 sites)
・Casio Europe GmbH
・Casio Electronics Co., Ltd.
・Casio France S.A.
・Casio Espana S.L.
・Casio Benelux B.V.
・Casio Italia S.r.l.
・Limited Liability Company Casio
Middle East (1 site)
・Casio Middle East and Africa FZE
Americas (5 sites)
・Casio America, Inc.
・Casio Canada Ltd.
・Casio Mexico Marketing, S. de R. L. de C.V.
・Casio Brasil Comercio De Produtos Eletronicos Ltda.
・Casio Latin America S.A.

Calculation Standards


(1) Items with no input, usage, handling or discharge performance have been left blank.
(2) Figures are rounded off to the second decimal point, in the specified units (figures shown as “0.0” are less than “0.05”).
(3) Results have been retrospectively re-calculated for some of the past performance data published in editions of the Sustainability Report 
prior to fiscal 2023, when determined to require re-calculation in order to ensure data reliability.

2. Inputs

(1) Energy input amount

  • All fossil fuels and power used in business activities are totaled for sites indicated in the Scope of Data.
  • Includes fuel usage by company vehicles, but does not include energy used for contracted logistics services, commuting, and business trips.
  • The coefficients for each type of energy provided in Japan’s Act on Rationalizing Energy Use were applied for the unit joule used to convert energy into joules.

(2) Water resource input amount

  • Sites for which it is difficult to monitor water usage due, for example, to an office lease agreement, are not included in the scope of calculation.

(3) Office paper usage amount

  • Managed and tabulated based on the purchased amounts of paper used in printers, fax machines, and copy machines each year.
  • The weight of one sheet is determined for each paper size, and weights are calculated based on the amounts purchased.

(4) Chemical substance input amount

  • Calculated for chemical substances subject to Japan’s PRTR Act.
  • As a general rule, calculated for substances whose annual amount handled is 0.05 tons or more at each site.

(5) Volatile organic compound (VOC) input amount

  • Calculated for substances subject to investigation presented in the Voluntary Action Plan on Reducing VOC Atmospheric Emissions formulated by the four electrical and electronic industry associations
  • As a general rule, calculated for substances whose annual amount handled is 0.05 tons or more at each site.

3. Outputs

(1) CO₂ emissions

  • To calculate CO₂ emissions from the use of fuel, coefficients were used based on unit calorific values by fuel type and emission factors related to the use of fuel, as stipulated by Japan’s Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures.
  • CO₂ conversion coefficients for electricity were applied as follows.
  FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Location-based standard IEA*1 IEA IEA IEA IEA IEA IEA IEA IEA IEA IEA

Market-based standard

Sites in Japan - - - - - - Emission factors for each electric power company in Japan*2 Emission factors for each electric power company in Japan*2 Emission factors for each electric power company in Japan*2 Emission factors for each electric power company in Japan*2 Emission factors for each electric power company in Japan*2
Sites outside Japan - - - - - - Emission factors for each electric power company (if not applicable, IEA emission factor is used) Emission factors for each electric power company (if not applicable, IEA emission factor is used) Emission factors for each electric power company (if not applicable, IEA emission factor is used) Emission factors for each electric power company (if not applicable, IEA emission factor is used) Emission factors for each electric power company (if not applicable, IEA emission factor is used)

*1 International Energy Agency (IEA) emission factors 2021 edition
*2 Emission factors after adjustment for each electric power company as stipulated by Japan’s Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures

(2) Wastewater

  • As a general rule, wastewater measured at each site is tabulated. However, water intake is regarded and tabulated as wastewater for sites where wastewater cannot be ascertained.
  • Where biological oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) are measured at sites that measure wastewater quality, total annual wastewater is multiplied to calculate BOD emissions and COD emissions.

(3) Air pollutants

  • Calculated for particulate and smoke generating facilities subject to Japan’s Air Pollution Control Act.
  • The three sites with target facilities in the results for fiscal 2023 are the headquarters of Yamagata Casio Co., Ltd., the Hamura R&D Center of Casio Computer Co., Ltd., and Casio (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
  • Emissions of dust, NOx, and SOx, which are subject to management under the Air Pollution Control Act, are calculated based on measurement values at the target sites.
  • The following substances are not used at any Casio site: dichloromethane, trichlorethylene, tetrachlorethylene, chloroform, vinyl chloride monomer, 1,3-butadiene, benzene, acrylonitrile, 1,2-dichloroethane, formaldehyde, trinickel disulfide, nickel nitrate, and acetaldehyde.

(4) Chemical substance release and transfer amount

  • Calculated for chemical substances subject to Japan’s PRTR Act.
  • As a general rule, calculated release and transfer amounts are for substances whose annual amount handled is 0.05 tons or more at each site.

(5) Volatile organic compound (VOC) outputs to air

  • Calculated for substances subject to investigation presented in the Voluntary Action Plan on Reducing VOC Atmospheric Emissions formulated by the four electrical and electronic industry associations.
  • As a general rule, calculated outputs to air are for substances whose annual amount handled is 0.05 tons or more at each site.

(6) Waste and valuable waste

  • Waste and valuable waste generated through the business activities of sites are tabulated.
  • Waste disposed of by processors, general waste from business operations, and valuable waste from each site are included in the calculation.

(7) Parts/materials, instruction manuals, packaging usage, and recycled materials

  • The amount of recycled materials used in packaging is shown as a value calculated by multiplying packaging usage by the coefficient indicated in Japan’s Act on the Promotion of Sorted Collection and Recycling of Containers and Packaging.

4. Scope 3 calculation methods

Category 1 Purchased goods and services Calculated by multiplying the amount of activity by the unit.
Amount of activity: Amount of consumables, raw materials, tap water, industrial water, advertising expenses and salaries of temporary staff.
Unit: Emissions unit of the purchased amount of each item of the amount of activity (Source: Emission factor database for calculating organizational GHG emissions throughout the supply chain version 3.3 issued by Japan’s Ministry of Environment and LCI database IDEA version 2.1.3.)The amount of activity was carefully reviewed and emissions were recalculated retroactively for past fiscal years accordingly.
Category 2 Capital goods Calculated by multiplying the amount of activity by the unit.
Amount of activity: Amount of capital investment by all consolidated subsidiaries.
Unit: Emissions unit corresponding to the amount of capital investment.(Source: Emission factor database for calculating organizational GHG emissions throughout the supply chain version 3.3 issued by Japan’s Ministry of Environment)
Category 3 Fuel-and-energy-related activities (not included in Scope 1 or 2) Calculated by multiplying the amount of activity by the unit.
Amount of activity: Amount of used electricity and fuels.
Unit: Emissions unit of each type of fuel and electricity (Source: Emission factor database for calculating organizational GHG emissions throughout the supply chain, version 3.3, issued by Japan’s Ministry of Environment, and Carbon Footprint Communication Program Basic Database version 1.01)
Category 4 Upstream transportation and distribution Calculated by multiplying the amount of activity by the unit for each transportation route, and then adding these together.
Amount of activity: Transportation volume and distance per transportation route among the product distribution for which Casio Computer Co., Ltd. pays the burden of expense.
Unit: Fuel consumption unit based on transported weight and transportation distance (Source: For trucks: specific fuel consumption using the improved ton/kilo method. For trains, ships and airplanes: CO2 emissions output level using the conventional ton/kilo method)
Category 5 Waste generated in operations Calculated by multiplying the amount of activity by the unit for each type of waste, and then adding these together.
Amount of activity: Emissions of each type of waste.
Unit: Emissions unit of each type of waste (Source: Emission factor database for calculating organizational GHG emissions throughout the supply chain version 3.2 issued by Japan’s Ministry of Environment)
The unit was carefully reviewed and emissions were recalculated retroactively for past fiscal years accordingly. 
Category 6 Business travel Calculated by multiplying the amount of activity by the unit.
Amount of activity: Number of domestic and overseas employees.
Unit: Emissions unit per employee. (Source: Emission factor database for calculating organizational GHG emissions throughout the supply chain version 3.3 issued by Japan’s Ministry of Environment)
Category 7 Employee commuting Calculated by multiplying the amount of activity by the unit.
Amount of activity: The amount of payment equivalent to commuting by train and car (bus) is estimated from the transportation expenses paid to employees.
Unit: Emissions unit for commuting by train and car (Source: Emission factor database for calculating organizational GHG emissions throughout the supply chain version 3.3 issued by Japan’s Ministry of Environment)
Category 8 Upstream leased assets Calculated by multiplying the amount of activity by the unit.
Amount of activity: Sales area of G-SHOCK stores in Japan (pro-rated by the number of business days in the reporting year).
Unit: Emissions unit per sales area (Source: Emission factor database for calculating organizational GHG emissions throughout the supply chain version 3.3 issued by Japan’s Ministry of Environment)
Category 9 Downstream transportation and distribution Transportation to retailers from the distribution hubs of regular sales companies is outside the scope of Casio's expense payment. Since this is difficult to ascertain and the CO2 emissions are deemed to be fairly small compared to Category 4 upstream transportation and distribution, it is not included in calculations.
Category 10 Processing of sold products Name printing for products and other services provided by group companies.
However, since emissions of GHGs from this business activity is included in Scopes 1 and 2, it is not included in calculations for this category.
Category 11 Use of sold products Calculated by multiplying the amount of activity by the unit for each product model sold and the country of sale during the relevant fiscal year. These are then added together to calculate the total.
Amount of activity: Power consumption, lifetime use period, and sales volume by product model. The lifetime use period is calculated using industry standards, if any, or assuming a five-year product life if not specified.
Unit: Emissions unit of electricity use (Source: IEA country-specific emission factors. If country-specific emission factors are not available, the global average factor is applied.)
Category 12 End of life treatment of sold products The emissions from each material used in products sold during the fiscal year are used as the amount of activity, and the value is calculated by multiplying by the unit for each material. These are then added together to calculate the total.
Amount of activity: Amount of each material used in the product itself and in the container packaging materials.
Unit: Emissions unit of each type of material (Source: Emission factor database for calculating organizational GHG emissions throughout the supply chain version 3.3 issued by Japan’s Ministry of Environment)
Category 13 Downstream leased assets Casio inquires with the users of each leased asset about the amount of CO2 emissions, and uses the data they provide to calculate the total amount of emissions.
Category 14 Franchises The franchise formula is not used.
Category 15 Investments

Calculated by multiplying the emissions from investment destinations (equity method affiliates and companies which hold specific annual stocks and constructive stocks, etc.) by the equity method ratio or the shareholding ratio.


Third-party verification

In order to ensure the reliability of its environmental data reporting, in fiscal 2011 Casio began requesting third-party verification.
Casio commissioned SGS Japan Co., Ltd. to conduct the audit of environmental data in fiscal 2023. The audit covered greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1, Scope 2, and Category 1 and 11 of Scope 3), water intake, waste, variable waste, and emissions of atmospheric pollutants (NOx, SOx and dust). Of the sites audited by SGS, on-site surveys were conducted at the headquarters of Casio Computer Co., Ltd., and the headquarters of Yamagata Casio Co., Ltd.

Third-party verification statement

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