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Providing Supportive Workplace Environments and Promoting Diversity & Inclusion

Approach and Policy

Social Issue

Approach and Policy

Social Issue

People are the most important of all the management resources involved in corporate activities. To survive intense corporate competition and keep growing, Casio recognizes that it must constantly maximize the value of the management resource that its people represent. Casio is committed to addressing issues like the aging population and declining birthrate, decrease in the working population, and growing diversity of work-styles, and recognizes that this will require building a workplace environment that empowers each and every employee to perform at an even higher level.

Importance for the Casio Group

The Casio Group has approximately 9,600 employees, including human resources with diverse individuality and skills. For Casio to expand further, it is essential to continue providing environments that allow these human resources to reach the full potential of their abilities.
If personnel systems and workplace environments do not respond to new demands with the changing times, vitality as a corporate organization is lost and competitiveness could decline. Therefore, as a corporation, Casio remains constantly aware of changes in society and employees and believes that it is vital to establish a workplace environment that responds to change appropriately.


In order to continually realize its corporate creed, Casio has put in place the Charter of Creativity, which sets out the basic principles around the awareness and actions expected of Casio people. However, the Charter would have no meaning if not practiced and embodied; simply stating principles is not enough. It can be said that what all employees actually do on the job constitutes the true practice and embodiment of these values.

In order to fulfill the Charter of Creativity, the Casio Business Conduct Guidelines include the following commitments.

Respecting employee diversity and fostering supportive work environments

  1. We welcome the participation of diverse employees and work together in harmony to create a better working environment.
  2. We conduct fair and impartial personnel evaluations and develop human resources who actively take on challenges with a positive spirit.
  3. We promote initiatives to maintain and improve individuals’ health and promote healthy workplaces.

Casio strives to build environments that allow employees to perform to their full potential based on this policy.


Human affairs reform to establish a new corporate culture
Casio has launched human affairs reform initiatives and revitalized the organization and human resources with the following three basic principles to establish a corporate culture that ensures that sustainable growth and development are linked to management strategies.

  • Create an innovative and exciting workplace in which everyone can constantly create new customer value
  • Employ a benefits and evaluation system that stimulates creative and innovative behavior and appropriately rewards contributions and performance
  • Build a human resource development system that supports employees’ independent pursuit of their job responsibilities and career development

Investing in Human Capital

Casio will work on the following  three points in fiscal 2025 as part of its efforts to manage human capital for creating value.

  1. Promoting health and productivity management
  2. Fostering independent personnel
  3. Strengthening management

Targets and Action Plan

Evaluation ◎: All targets met, ○ : Most targets met, △ : Remaining issues outweigh results, × : No progress made

Theme KPI FY2024 Targets FY2024 Performance Evaluation FY2025 Targets FY2031 Targets
Promoting health and productivity management (1) Compulsory leave and internal leave related to childbirth and childcare Achieve birth and childcare leave usage rate for eligible male employees of 80% 82.6% 85.1% 100% for both men and women (in real terms)
(2) Percentage of employees taking reexaminations recommended after regular health checkups 80% 81.7% 84.3% 100%
(3) Percentage of employees maintaining an appropriate weight 70% 69.3% 70.8% 80%
(4) Percentage of employees who smoke 13.1% 13.5% 13.0% 10%
Fostering independent personnel (5) Career training coverage rate (full-time employees) 38.2% 43.7% 51.7% 100%
(6) Total number of employees with experience using the Job Challenge system 146 people 143 people 146 people 300 people
Strengthen management (7) Number of future executive candidates 10 people 9 people 15 people 50 people
(8) Number of women who are candidates for training for future managerial positions 17 people 17 people 27 people 90 people
(9) Percentage of managerial positions held by women 7% 6.3% 6.8% 10%
(10) Difference in wages for men and women who are full-time employees 75% 75.7%
*All workers: 67.7%
76.3% 80%
Other (11) Percentage of newly hired graduates who are women 25% or more Of the 53 employees who joined the company in April 2024, 22 (41%) were women. 25% or more 25% or more
(12) Legally mandated employment rate of people with disabilities Consolidated: 2.5% or more Consolidated: 2.41% (as of April 2024) Consolidated: 2.5% or more Consolidated: 2.7% or more

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