Human Resource Development
Social Background
In a rapidly changing business environment with diverse work styles, Casio believes that for companies to respond to these changes flexibly and continue to grow, it is crucial not only that companies drive skill development, but that companies and employees build “win-win” relationships and create an environment in which both can continue to grow.

In the belief that the continual growth of employees drives ongoing improvements in corporate value, Casio has developed a system that allows employees to take the initiative in acquiring the necessary skills and will continue to support each employee’s individual growth.
Casio implements initiatives supporting employees’ career development. In particular, Casio holds career training and meetings at key turning points in careers in each age bracket, expands training that supports careers as specialists as well as training that supports supervisors’ work and career.
In addition, Casio will continue to provide training tailored to each rank so that each employee can acquire the basic knowledge and skills needed to carry out their roles.
In fiscal 2025, as part of its investment in human capital to create value, Casio is focusing on fostering independent personnel, and strengthening management.
The Human Resources Department considers group-wide strategy related to human resource development and plans and implements common, group-wide education. Individual departments and the Human Resources Department collaborate to plan and implement education for the specialist skills required by each department.
Activity Results
Overview of Human Resource Development
Training system

Casio’s human resource development is based on its vision for the ideal employee (those who think and act proactively, and thereby contribute to the company’s growth and development), and the company has developed various measures and systems that incorporate these elements.
Casio implements the necessary HR development measures such as training for each level, training for executive candidates, and career training by age, and is always working to make improvements and expand its measures. In addition, Casio provides a Career Support System (discussed below) to enable each individual employee to work with motivation and enthusiasm, as well as a support system providing employees the opportunity to take stock of their own careers annually and establish their future career plans.
Annual average number of hours of training (Casio Computer Co., Ltd.)
The annual average training hours in fiscal 2024 were 7.8 hours for men and 7.7 hours for women (6.4 hours for men and 6.6 hours for women in fiscal 2023). In fiscal 2023, the company worked to enhance training, including career training, diversity training, and executive candidate development training. In fiscal 2025, the company has continued enhancing and ensuring time for training with the aim of developing human resources in line with management policy.
*The calculation method has been changed from this fiscal period (senior employees have been added to the target group).

Surveys and Verification Relating to Utilization and Development of Human Resources
In training, questionnaires are given to employees after they attend a training session, and their requests and opinions are used to help make improvements in the following fiscal year and beyond. In addition, the Career Plan System registration (described below) lets employees take stock of their careers and register their future career aspirations. This content is then used by the company for personnel distribution and to plan training and improvements for the next fiscal year.
Overview of fiscal 2024 and future issues
In fiscal 2024, with the aim of creating value by investing in human capital, we focused on fostering independent personnel and strengthening management in the area of human resources development.
To strengthen management, we newly implemented a management training (division managers, department managers) program. This training was intended to strengthen management skills by giving employees a management perspective, an understanding of their role, and improving skills for promoting proactive thinking and action among their subordinates.
We also held introductory training on digital transformation (DX) as part of our efforts to develop DX human resources. This training was conducted as a trial in conjunction with the company-wide introduction of the in-house generative AI, CASIO AI Chat, and was mainly aimed at learning the basics of DX and how to use generative AI, as well as gaining hints on ways to improve work.
In fiscal 2025, we will implement training on the use of Casio AI Chat for department managers and general employees, with the aim of further improving productivity.
In terms of fostering independent personnel, we have strengthened and will continue to implement career training and other support measures by age group, and we have supported the career development of our employees.
In fiscal 2025, we will continue to implement measures that focus on fostering independent personnel and strengthening management. Casio will enhance its career support systems to foster the development of independent personnel. And we will strive to improve the level of management throughout the group by promoting measures tailored to each target group based on criteria such as role or rating.
Main Human Resource Development Programs
Career Support System
In an environment changing for both companies and employees, Casio believes that by supporting individual employees in creating careers they find satisfying, employees can work with energy and a sense that their jobs are meaningful and worthwhile, while companies can grow and expand alongside their employees. To achieve this, Casio will provide support so that individual employees can plan their own careers based on a process in which they take stock of their own careers and consider their future career plans once a year.

Career Training
Employees take another look at themselves at key turning points in their careers (at ages 30, 40, 49 and 55), and participate in career training and career interviews as an opportunity to consider their work style. Moreover, 364 employees received career training in fiscal 2024. The aggregate career training coverage rate is 43.7% for full-time employees. Casio will continue to conduct training to support career development on an ongoing basis.

Career Plan Registration
In order to support the independent career development of each employee, we ask them to take stock of their career once a year and formulate a plan for the future. Employees state their past experiences and skills and the work they would like to take on in the future, and their superiors check the details and use the information as a reference for training rotations, educational opportunities and other aspects of their career development.
Measures to Support Skill Improvement
This system was established to allow employees to independently select and acquire the skills they feel the need to perform their work. The company offers both selective skills training and distance learning. Beginning in fiscal 2024, we have introduced new business video learning to accommodate a variety of learning styles. The selective skills training allows employees to choose from a variety of training courses conducted in the form of external public lectures. The targeted skills are divided into three categories: specialized skills, strategic skills, and interpersonal skills. Business video learning allows employees to watch more than 3,400 courses of educational videos that provide everything from the basics to the latest knowledge and business-related knowledge, without being restricted by time or location. Beginning in fiscal 2021, Casio systematized the skills needed for young employees to systematically train young employees. The program was changed so that employees in their first through fifth years as new graduate hires attend the skill training once a year.
Specialist Training Support
Casio implements its training aimed at engineers wanting to advance their expertise in order to support the careers of employees as specialists. For engineers in particular, Casio conducts group training and design thinking workshops during training for new employees to help them acquire basic technical skills and build foundational competence.
In addition, Casio helps employees improve their expertise by offering skill selective training (specialized skills) so that employees can acquire the necessary skills in their own engineering field. Employees can choose the subjects they need from about 600 courses. Casio also provides cross-industry association training in which employees are selected to participate with engineers from other companies in learning skills together to help broaden their perspectives and accelerate the speed of their growth.
Manager Training
Appropriate management by supervisors is essential for employees as they independently shape their careers. With this aim, managers are given training on practical content such as how to run an organization in which subordinates will act independently and management methods that will motivate subordinates (coaching, etc.), as well as training to deepen their understanding on goal (KPI) setting, evaluations and feedback interviews in the new evaluation system.
Side jobs and second jobs
We have introduced a system of side jobs and second jobs with the aim of improving our employees' skills, increasing their autonomy and independence, and expanding their opportunities for success. The side job program is open to all employees, and allows them to work as contractors or sole proprietors outside of working hours. The second job system is open to employees aged 50 and over, and allows them to work directly for other companies up to two days a week.
Job Challenges System
Casio has introduced the Job Challenges System to support people who want to take up the challenge of new work and work with which they have no experience. By recruiting based on divisions’ needs and rotating human resources actively, the organization is energized and employees are assigned to the right position. Senior employees, who were not covered by the previous job assignment system, are eligible for this system. Casio will provide an environment in which employees can utilize the wealth of experience they have built up and can perform with great energy even after retirement age. In fiscal 2024, 19 people utilized this system, bringing the total number of participants to 143.
Second Career Support System
Casio has introduced a career change support service and supports employees in realizing their career paths to help employees mainly in their 50s consider their life plans and devise an independent approach to their life and work.
New Employee Training, New Employee Annual Training, Second-Year Training
These trainings for young employees ensure that they can learn the basics of being a Casio employee, look back at their own approach to work, and act proactively.
In particular, Casio implements a year-round training program for new employees. Training is also provided for on-the-job training staff and section managers to whom new employees are assigned to increase the program’s effectiveness.
Management Training (Division Managers and Department Managers)
This training program for division managers and department managers is designed to help them understand their own role in delivering on management policies and to strengthen their organizational management skills. Specifically, it aims to help them gain a broader perspective on management and a better understanding of their role as a person responsible for business execution, as well as to improve their relationship-building and coaching communication skills in order to promote proactive thinking and action among their subordinates.
Executive Candidate Development Training
To foster the development of executive candidates, Casio conducts cross-industry interaction training for selected department and section managers, and women leaders. Training for department and section managers follows a program designed to help them acquire the perspectives, mindset, and management skill required of executives. Training for women leaders is designed to foster a leadership mindset and improve leadership skills. In both cases, Casio aims to broaden outlooks and perspectives through cross-industry interaction, and to help participants form personal connections outside of the company. In fiscal 2024, Casio trained 5 future executive candidates and 10 women in candidates in managerial positions, using the measures for developing executive candidates outlined above. We have started to devise and implement individual development plans for women who are candidates for future managerial positions, and are carrying out systematic development.
This program uses workshops and seminars with specific themes to connect people who have something to say or who want to learn something, thus using this shared goal to build personal networks and improve individuals’ skills. People from a wide range of occupations and backgrounds gather together in the same place to discuss the same theme, regardless of hierarchy. This is an opportunity to build personal networks that will be useful in work and is expected to be a catalyst in stimulating communication overall.
Techno Power
This is an exhibition event held annually for the objectives of stimulating engineers, and sharing and accumulating technology. In Techno Power, Casio solicits new technology and know-how created in-house and recognizes projects with outstanding levels of technology and/or excellence of concept. This encourages venturing into new technology by establishing a forum for announcing results and offering recognition.
In-house specialist seminars
These are lectures by outside trailblazers in advanced technology and innovators who were able to develop revolutionary new products and create new businesses. The aim of these is to allow development engineers, mainly, to understand technological trends, encourage a development mindset, and foster a willingness to take on challenges. Recent themes have been selected from multi-faceted perspectives, going beyond technology trends. They include leading-edge technology trends with high levels of originality and technology, and ways of thinking to create new products.
Workshop to Boost Marketing Skills
This is a program to learn development methods from the customer’s perspective and strategies necessary for creating growth businesses, with the aim of making employees skillful marketers and providing services and products that are useful to people and society. Participants learn systematic knowledge and methods from experts, and acquire customer value development methods through practical experience, such as conducting interviews with potential customers and value verification using actual themes.
Idea Booster Program (IBP)
IBP supports the creation of ideas from the bottom up, and participants aim to realize them by utilizing a marketing perspective and learning startup methods. External accelerators and in-house mentors support the implementation of the program, and ideas are evaluated based on criteria for each step. In fiscal 2024, an employee team conducted a crowdfunding campaign for DIMENSION TRIPPER as a market PoC and achieved its fund target. IBP helps to improve motivation and develop human resources, and fosters a culture that embraces new challenges.
This initiative aims to foster a creative culture within the company by providing opportunities and places for new ideas to emerge through workshops with people of various generations and occupations, leading to the creation of new things. We are training facilitators within the company who can design and manage workshops, regardless of the scale of the workshop, in order to implement them in a timely manner.
We also collaborate with people outside the company, such as junior high and high school students, university students, and employees of other companies in different industries.
Right Person for the Right Job
In fiscal 2020, Casio introduced the Job Challenge System to place the right people in the right jobs by valuing employees intentions’ and support their independent career planning. Additionally, career interviews are conducted with those who desire one and support provided as appropriate when employees consider their career direction. Casio also makes its intranet and database available to the managers of each department to allow them to conduct comprehensive assessment of the human resource development information on their subordinates, which they then utilize for training within the department.
Additionally, in order to make it easier to reflect employees’ wishes in the ordinary course of business, employees declare a task that they would like to attempt and this intention is shared with their supervisors and made use of in task assignment and rotation.
Global Human Resources Strategy
Casio is reinforcing its global expansion in all business fields, including existing and new businesses. Casio has started creating a global human resources strategy for group companies outside Japan. This project includes the enhancement of human resources functions and the establishment of a system for developing human resources who are prepared to meet global standards.
Vision of global talent
Casio’s employees around the world must always think from the headquarters’ perspective in order to demonstrate leadership. The human resources department uses various opportunities and tools to convey and share with employees messages on the importance of thinking of Japan as just one area in the world and of changing one’s mindset to work with a global outlook.
Establishment of standards for the roles of persons sent on assignment outside Japan
It is important to increase the number of human resources with the aptitude for assignment outside Japan. At the same time, however, Casio is endeavoring to develop local employees and create more opportunities for their promotion. It does this by sending people on assignments outside Japan only to perform roles that cannot be done by local employees and by clarifying their division of roles with local employees. Casio will establish a table of standards and develop a check system to enable its employees around the world to shine by placing the right people in the right jobs.
Provision of local information to persons going on assignment outside Japan and development of multicultural management skills
Casio systematically provides grade-based training to persons going on assignment outside Japan according to their mission at the location of assignment.
The company provides Site Management Skills Training for senior management, and Multicultural Management Skills Training and Lectures on Assignment Location Situation for all persons going on assignment outside Japan. Additionally, Casio provides educational information for accompanying children, and other efforts to strengthen on-location living support.
Training system before assignment outside Japan

*1 Learning multicultural communication skills and practical points for managing highly diverse teams
*2 Opportunities for those transferred abroad to improve their language skills
Global career path
In order to continuously develop global human resources, it is not enough to use a direct approach from the human resources department to employees; people who can develop global human resources must be developed and promoted as managers so that employees can grow through their work in the field. Accordingly, Casio has developed its conventional career path into a global career path. So that employees in addition to those involved in sales outside Japan will have even a broader perspective, the company has enhanced personnel placement to give employees wide-ranging experience before they become section chiefs, department managers, and division managers. This approach will be used in future human resources development and placement planning.
Global career path (sales)

Global human resources governance system
Casio actively engages in exchanges of opinions on what the Casio Group perspective should be about local problems and circumstances. The headquarters human resource division also directly dialogues with and provides advice on system design to members of human resources departments at local companies.