Making the Most of Human Resources and Maintaining Optimal Workplace Environments
Diversity & Inclusion and Work Environment Initiatives That Make Casio a Great Place to Work
Casio has been implementing diversity and inclusion initiatives to create conditions where all employees can work enthusiastically and enjoy job satisfaction, regardless of gender, nationality, age, and disability, to create innovation in an environment that brings together diverse values.

Supporting Advancement of Women
Casio actively and continuously carries out a variety of measures with the aim of supporting all women on the job so that they can fully demonstrate their abilities. Casio actively promotes ambitious and talented employees, and the number of women in managerial positions was 26 (6.3%) in fiscal 2024.
In 2022, Casio launched training for women in the leadership class, seeking to foster women as candidates for managerial positions. In addition, in fiscal 2024, we began formulating and implementing individual development plans for candidates for the next generation of women in managerial positions, and will carry out systematic development. Casio plans to implement a range of measures to promote the active participation of women and to vigorously support the career formation of women.
We set a goal of at least 25% for the percentage of women in the hiring of new graduates joining the company every spring, and in fiscal 2024 we held interaction events for women in our workforce and provided information for women on our recruitment website and social media. As a result, we achieved a percentage of 42% women among our new hires in April 2024. We will continue to expand the number of women applying for jobs by publicizing our efforts in various ways.
Women in managerial positions (Casio Computer Co., Ltd.)
(FY) | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Number of women in managerial positions | 13 | 16 | 20 | 22 | 26 |
Percentage of women in managerial positions | 3.5% | 4.3% | 5.1% | 5.4% | 6.3% |
*The calculation method has been changed to that stipulated in Japan’s Act on the Promotion of Women’s Active Engagement in Professional Life.
Employing People with Disabilities and Encouraging Them to Play Active Roles
Casio is creating workplace environments that allow every individual to display their full abilities and aptitudes.
Upon request, it provides hands-on training in the workplace before hiring in an effort to dispel anxiety about actually working there and to eliminate gaps between expectations and reality.
Casio has also adopted and uses a follow-up system for persons with disabilities throughout the group. This system is intended to constantly aim for the most suitable environment in light of the opinions of both the workplace and persons with disabilities by conducting periodic interviews after a person with disabilities joins the company so they are not left alone to face any anxieties or problems. The interviews help to quickly resolve any problems, check aptitude for work duties based on actual performance of those duties, and facilitate the provision of care if a disability has changed with the passage of time. In ways like this, Casio is working hard to increase the retention rate. Casio invites sign language interpreters to company events to help convey information to the hearing impaired.
Casio is carrying out initiatives aimed at making it an easier place to keep working by incorporating the opinions of persons with disabilities regarding issues such as environmental retrofitting focused on ensuring safety, measures to increase awareness in workplaces where persons with disabilities work, and measures to further establish their position in the workplace.
In addition, Casio introduced employment in an indoor farm setting in April 2021, and it has been further expanding the number of farms since July 2023. In fiscal 2025, we will consider expanding employment for people with disabilities.This is intended to offer increased opportunities and to support the independence among those who experienced difficulty working in conventional office settings. The Casio Group is committed to contributing to building a society in which these employees are able to maintain active positions with even greater satisfaction and enthusiasm.
Percent of workforce with disabilities
Casio is boosting recruitment in order to raise the employment rate of people with disabilities.
As of April 1, 2020 | As of April 1, 2021 | As of April 1, 2022 | As of April 1, 2023 | As of April 1, 2024 | |
Casio Computer Co., Ltd. | 2.08% | 2.35% | 2.28% | 2.24% | 2.28% |
Group companies in Japan | 2.14% | 2.29% | 2.33% | 2.46% | 2.41% |
Encouraging Non-Japanese Employees to Play Active Roles
Casio is working to create workplace environments that allow non-Japanese employees to relax and continue working long term after joining the company. Casio has implemented initiatives that take account of linguistic, cultural, customs and other differences. These initiatives include adding English descriptions to cafeteria menus and illustrations of types of meat to accommodate dietary restrictions based on religious precepts, the provision of special leave to take part in important events in employees’ home countries and to create opportunities to meet with family and relatives in their home countries once every few years, and the establishment of a prayer room at the company for Muslim employees. Casio’s non-Japanese employees play active roles in diverse workplaces while displaying their individuality.

English menu description (bottom); pork mark (upper right)

Prayer room
Encouraging Seniors to Play an Active Role / Supporting the Lives and Employment of Seniors
Casio’s Senior/Elder Employee Program provides employees retiring at age 60 with employment opportunities, and to effectively utilize the skills and know-how that these individuals have accumulated over the course of their careers. Under the program, Casio offers continued employment with reasonable treatment according to past performance and the roles and responsibilities assumed after retirement age. The system creates workplaces where senior employees can continue using their career skills and expertise within the Casio Group. In addition, Casio offers flexible work arrangements allowing adjustments to hours and numbers of work days in consideration, for example, of needs to balance caregiving and work.
Clarifying roles when hiring senior/elder employees
Casio has ranked senior employees by clarifying the expectations for each role and assigning by role and responsibilities, and treatment is determined based on this ranking. This results in well-balanced treatment that rewards senior employees who are particularly dynamic and make significant contributions to the company. In addition, Casio aims to improve treatment levels for all senior/elder employees to make those who are rehired with the new treatment terms feel that their role is worthwhile.
Supporting self-directed career creation mindful of second careers
In order for employees to continue working enthusiastically subsequent to finding themselves in new roles with amended compensation after reaching mandatory retirement age and being re-employed as a senior/elder employee, Casio believes employees need to prepare in advance forward-looking career plans. To this end, Casio provides employees with career training to offer opportunities to prepare self-directed career plans and consider what will be necessary in order to achieve these plans.
Casio also offers a range of support for second careers for employees who wish to pursue activities outside the company.
Addressing Unconscious Bias
Casio believes that one of the keys to creating an optimal working environment is for everyone to deepen their understanding of their unconscious biases. For this reason, Casio holds regular training sessions on this topic for all employees every year.
Local Employment at Subsidiaries outside Japan
Along with the globalization of its operations, Casio is actively pursuing local hiring at its sites outside Japan. The aim is to promote management that is responsive to local conditions in each country, as a truly global company. This is being done not just in manufacturing, but also in various other fields.
Number of Casio Group regular employees (global breakdown)

Ensuring Fair Evaluation and Compensation
Based firmly on a foundation of fairness, Casio aims to continuously improve its human resource system in light of changes in the social environment. Within that system, the present basic human resources policy combines a role-based system that grades individual employees based on the extent of their roles with a performance-based approach to evaluation and compensation based mainly on outcomes of job performance within their roles.
In addition, Casio strives to find the optimal balance between employee growth and vitalization and expanding the company by promoting HR policies that prioritize the following perspectives.
- Respect of will: Grant significance to the individual's will and intentions
- Human resources development: Create opportunities for the acquisition of knowledge and skills needed in work
- Significance of abilities: Grant significance to abilities demonstrated through work
- Right person for the right job: Reflect individual wishes in job requests
- Priority distribution: Distribute limited management resources as efficiently as possible
- Stable employment: Strive to create workplaces where employees can work according to their abilities
Casio revised its rating system for management positions in fiscal 2022 to clarify the roles and skills of specialists for each rating to enable career paths and growth not only as managers but also as specialists to ensure a concrete vision. The common definition table for all occupational categories has been enhanced, and definition tables specific to occupational categories have been clarified as well. In addition, the list of names for specialists, which previously existed in an intermixed form, has been properly arranged.

The evaluation system was overhauled in fiscal 2020. Up until then, the evaluations carried out every six months were linked to the full-year evaluation and reflected in salary raises and promotions (single track). Now that evaluations of more diverse employees are required, it has become increasingly difficult to balance all the different elements in these evaluations. Accordingly, Casio introduced a double-track evaluation that encourages motivation to take up challenges and change one’s actions.
In fiscal 2021, this was extended to group companies in Japan as well, becoming a unified group system.
- Biannual evaluation (reflected in compensation): Goal management
- Challenging goals have been introduced, based on a system in which each individual sets a goal (theme) at the start of the fiscal year and results are evaluated at the end of the fiscal year, in order to respect employees’ motivation to take up challenges and encourage more independent action.
- Full-year evaluation (reflected in salary raises and promotions): Biannual evaluation + process evaluation
- Considers the performance process evaluation, including initiatives that will lead to future results
- Evaluation of managers by their subordinates: With the aim of developing managers, subordinates evaluate their managers, and the results are reflected in the process evaluation.
Main human resources system

Education for Fair Evaluation and Compensation
Casio holds performance review interviews twice a year for all employees, and the implementation rate is 100% excepting cases where the interview could not be held during the period due to reasons such as leave or absence from work. Casio requires new section managers to take evaluation and interviewing training in an effort to improve their management skills, in order to operate its human resources system fairly and appropriately.
Additionally, an overview of the evaluation and compensation system is posted on the company intranet to keep all employees thoroughly informed about this system.
Human resources data
Number of employees hired in Japan (As of end of March 2024) * Regular employees
Casio Computer Co., Ltd. | Group companies in Japan | Total | |
Men | 1,929 | 601 | 2,530(77%) |
Women | 551 | 215 | 766(23%) |
Total | 2,480 | 816 | 3,296 |
Non-regular employees |
715 |
581 |
1,296 |
Number of new graduate employees hired in Japan (April 1, 2024) *Regular employees
Casio Computer Co., Ltd. | Group companies in Japan | Total | |
Men | 31(58%) | 6 | 37 |
Women | 22(42%) | 3 | 25 |
Total | 53 | 9 | 62 |
Number of mid-career employees hired in Japan (April 1, 2023 – March 31, 2024) *Regular employees
Casio Computer Co., Ltd. | Group companies in Japan | Total | |
Men | 74(80%) | 15 | 89 |
Women | 19(20%) | 16 | 35 |
Total | 93 | 31 | 124 |
Average years of service in Japan (As of end of March 2024)
Casio Computer Co., Ltd. | Group companies in Japan | Total | |
Men | 17.6 | 20.3 | 18.3 |
Women | 13.6 | 23.8 | 16.5 |
Total | 16.7 | 21.2 | 17.8 |
Average employee age in Japan (As of end of March 2024)
Casio Computer Co., Ltd. | Group companies in Japan | Total | |
Men | 46.8 | 48.4 | 47.2 |
Women | 42.1 | 49.5 | 44.2 |
Total | 45.7 | 48.7 | 46.5 |
Employee Retention Rate (3 years after joining Casio Computer Co., Ltd., including mid-career hires)
End of March 2023 | End of March 2024 | |
Retention rate | 94.6% | 92.8% |
Initiatives to Support Work-Life Balance
Casio appreciates the importance of work-life balance and is striving to create environments that accommodate diverse work-styles in a flexible manner. The company will continue to promote the establishment of systems and environments aimed at creating an environment where diverse human resources can work easily and display their maximum performance.
Introduction of telecommuting, staggered commuting, and “self biz”
In 2020, Casio introduced telecommuting, staggered commuting, and a “self biz” dress code. Telecommuting and staggered commuting times serve to improve employees’ work-life balance to ensure they can concentrate on their work and maximize their performance. With the newly adopted “self biz” approach, dress code guidelines have been unified as well, giving employees the freedom to select the attire they feel is appropriate for the time, place, and occasion.
Introduction of sideline business and dual employment
Starting in March 2020, a system allowing sideline business and dual employment was introduced as a flexible approach to diverse ways of working. Restrictions on sideline business pursuits such as subcontracting arrangements or sole proprietorships outside working hours have been lifted for all employees, and dual employment with other companies for up to two days per week has been approved for employees over 50. The system is intended to improve employees’ skills, increase their autonomy/independence, and expand opportunities for them to flourish.
Initiatives to Support Work-Life Balance
While we strive to create an environment that is optimal for all employees, we are also introducing measures that go beyond legal requirements in the areas of childcare and nursing care, life situations that are particularly difficult to balance with work. In addition, we have a re-employment system in place for employees who had to resign due to childbirth, childcare or nursing care, and we provide opportunities for re-entry.
Helping employees balance work and parenting
Casio has developed programs that enable employees under restrictions caused by parenting to feel at ease and to demonstrate their full potential on the job. We are actively introducing systems that match the realities of childcare by, for example, making it possible for employees to take childcare leave until the child is three years old even without a special reason and adopting a system for reduced working hours for childcare that can be used by parents of elementary school students, as well.
List of systems for childcare (post-natal leave, childcare leave at birth, etc., which are not listed here, can be taken as per the law)
Leave system | Summary | Period of leave available |
Infertility treatment leave | System that allows employees to take leave for infertility treatment | Up to one year in total |
Outpatient leave (paid leave) | Leave that women who are pregnant or within one year of giving birth can take in order to receive health checks and health guidance for expectant and new mothers | When visiting the hospital as directed by a doctor |
Maternity leave | A system that allows women who are about to give birth to take time off work | 8 weeks (14 weeks in the case of twins or more) |
Childcare leave | A system that allows employees who are raising children under the age of three to take time off work | Can be taken in up to four separate blocks up to the day before the child’s third birthday |
Special childcare leave (paid leave) | Leave that can be taken by employees looking after children one year of age for childcare purposes | 5 days Employees who are not having a baby can take this leave for their spouse’s childbirth |
Child nursing care leave (paid leave) | Leave that can be taken by employees who are looking after children of elementary school age or younger when the children are sick | 5 days per year (10 days for employees with more than one child) |
Reduced working hours system | A system that allows employees caring for children of elementary school age or younger to reduce their working hours to look after their children | Until the child graduates from elementary school |
Childcare and leave programs (Casio Computer Co., Ltd.)

Helping employees balance family nursing care and work
Problems with family nursing care can happen to anyone and come about unexpectedly. Casio has made efforts to enhance its systems to support family nursing care so that the company can provide as much help as possible to balance the needs of family nursing care and work and employees can provide family nursing care without their work performance suffering, thereby avoiding leaving the company due to family nursing care. Nursing care leave can be taken for a total of one year, which is longer than the legal requirement. In addition, in line with the increase in the number of employees providing care, we have introduced a system of paid leave for those providing nursing care (5 days per year, or 10 days per year if there are multiple people requiring care).
We have also introduced a system that allows all employees, not just those providing care, to work flexibly, including staggered working hours and working from home with breaks in between. We will continue to improve our systems so that those providing care can balance their work and caring responsibilities with minimum physical or psychological burden.
Family nursing care programs (Casio Computer Co., Ltd.)

Number and percentage of employees taking leave related to childcare and family nursing care (Casio Computer Co., Ltd.)
Number and percentage of employees taking leave (figure in parentheses is men) | ||||||
FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 | FY2024 | ||
Childcare leave and return program | 24(10) | 19(4) | 26(16) | 41(24) | 40(29) | |
Percentage of employees taking childcare leave (women) | 116.6% | 88.2% | 125.0% | 94.4% | 84.6% | |
Percentage of employees taking childcare leave (men) | 23.2% | 9.5% | 34.7% | 52.1% | 63.0% | |
Percentage of employees that return to work after taking childcare leave | 1(1) | 1(0) | 0(0) | 1(0) | 0(0) | |
Nursing care leave and return program | 101(1) | 89(1) | 138(0) | 78(0) | 80(0) | |
Shorter working hours system for childcare and nursing care | 20(1) | 4(1) | 10(4) | 9(3) | 51(18) | |
Child nursing care leave | 9(5) | 11(9) | 11(7) | 12(5) | 13(10) | |
Nursing care leave | 24(10) | 19(4) | 26(16) | 41(24) | 40(29) |
* The number and percentage of employees taking childcare leave excludes temporary employees.
* The percentage of employees taking childcare leave is calculated based on the provisions of Japan’s Act on Childcare Leave, Caregiver Leave, and Other Measures for the Welfare of Workers Caring for Children or Other Family Members (Act No. 76 of 1991), and the proportion taking childcare leave, etc., under Article 71, Section 4, Item 1 of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Act on Childcare Leave, Caregiver Leave, and Other Measures for the Welfare of Workers Caring for Children or Other Family Members (Ordinance of the Ministry of Labor No. 25 of 1991).
Vacation and leave programs
Program | Description |
Vacation Day Accumulation | The annual paid vacation expires in two years. However, employees can accumulate a maximum of 30 unused vacation days to carry over up to four days per year. The leave days can be used if the employee gets sick or injured, in order to care for a family member, safe motherhood measures, or volunteering |
Refresh Leave | This program grants five days of leave at the 10-year, 20-year, and 30-year milestones of work. |
Leave to accommodate spouse's overseas assignment | This system allows employees to take a leave of up to three years when the individual will accompany his or her spouse on a posting outside Japan. |
Infertility treatment leave | This system enables employees to take a one-year leave of absence in order to undergo infertility treatment. |
Hourly paid leave | This system permits employees to take annual paid vacation in hourly increments. |
Time off in lieu | In the case of overtime or holiday work, this system allows employees to reduce working hours in the days that follow, in 1 minute increments (Extra allowance, such as overtime pay, is also provided accordingly). |
Rate of taking annual paid vacation (Casio Computer Co., Ltd.)
FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 | FY2024 | |
Rate of taking paid vacation | 73.1% | 59.1% | 62.8% | 62.5% | 71.3% |
Initiatives to Improve Productivity
Casio is working to make dramatic improvements in work and work efficiency company wide, as well as raising productivity and reducing working hours. Improving productivity gives all employees work-life balance and creates an environment in which they can work with energy.
Overtime work and total annual working hours (Casio Computer Co., Ltd.)
FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 | FY2024 | |
Overtime hours (monthly average) | 17.2 | 16.0 | 18.2 | 18.1 | 17.0 |
Total annual working hours | 1,869 | 1,896 | 1,914 | 1,903 | 1,887 |
*In FY2021, time taken off for all types of vacations decreased, while overall annual working hours increased.
Communication between Labor and Management
Casio operates on a union-shop basis; as a rule, all employees except for managers are members of the union. Through regular communication between management and the labor union, Casio hopes to raise the awareness of employees about their participation in the management of the company. Casio values close communication between labor and management and maintains a good relationship.
At the core of this labor-management communication is the Regular Group Workers' Labor-Management Conference, which is held four times a year (February, May, September, and November). At these conferences, management and labor, together representing the entire group, exchange opinions about current conditions at the company. Casio is also working toward even smoother operation of human resource systems by holding various regular labor-management talks.
The labor-management agreement stipulates that the revision or elimination of human resource labor related systems is carried out via labor-management discussions. This process is carried out over a sufficient period of time and involves the sharing of issues by both labor and management.
Changes in the proportion of labor union members (Casio Computer Co., Ltd.)
FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 | FY2024 | |
Percentage of all employees | 64% | 67% | 67% | 65% | 65% |
Percentage excluding managerial positions | 96% | 97% | 98% | 97% | 97% |