Supporting a Recycling Society
Approach and Policy
Social Issue
Rapid economic growth brings with it problems such as the depletion of natural resources, the destruction of nature due to extraction of resources, and pressure on landfill sites for waste and pollution around them, accompanying the increase in resources consumed. In this situation, the 3Rs (Reduce and Reuse waste and Recycle resources) have become increasing important in order to utilize the world’s finite resources effectively. In recent years, moreover, the low effective utilization rate for waste plastic and environmental pollution caused by ocean plastic waste have become issues of global concern.
Recognizing this social background, Casio is moving ahead with various initiatives, including activities in its own business as well as activities that include suppliers and cover the entire product lifecycle.

│Importance for the Casio Group
Amid more widespread depletion of natural resources and the destruction of nature caused by the extraction of resources, investment in new natural resources for manufacturing products not only exacerbates the depletion of resources, but can also increase the impacts on the environment and ecosystem. These impacts may also lead to risks such as increases in the cost of raw materials.
The recycling rate of the waste produced by Casio’s business activities has reached more than 80% over the past few years. However, about 15 or 20% of waste is still disposed of in the environment without being recycled. This includes plastics and other waste which remain in the environment for long periods of time, and their impact on environmental pollution and ecosystems is a cause for concern.
The same concerns that apply to the waste produced by our own business activities apply to the disposal of products after use by customers. It can be said that proactive efforts to ensure recycling them into resources are required. For the Casio Group, which operates a broad range of consumer businesses, this is also important in terms of securing customer trust.
Targets and Action Plan
Casio is working to build a recycling-oriented society both through product initiatives and initiatives in business activities.
In product initiatives, the company has set a target for expanding the number of Casio Green Star Products, a designation which indicates environmentally friendly product manufacturing through the various stages from development and design to use of the product by customers, to recycling after use. In addition, we are voluntarily collecting and recycling used products and consumables that are disposed of after use.
In initiatives in business activities, Casio has set a target of zero emissions* of waste produced by its business activities. As part of its efforts to achieve zero emissions, Casio has set targets for reducing the amount of waste and valuable waste produced by its business activities and decreasing landfill disposal rate. In addition, we are voluntarily collecting and recycling used products and consumables that are disposed of after use.
* Casio Group’s definition of zero emissions: Landfill disposal rate = (final landfill disposal amount ÷ amount of waste generated) × 100 is 1% or less.
Medium-Term targets and Performance
Evaluation ◎: All targets met, ○ : Most targets met, △ : Remaining issues outweigh results, × : No progress made
Medium and long-term targets | FY2024 Target | FY2024 Performance | Evaluation | FY2025 Targets | |
Product initiatives | Increase Casio Green Star product sales ratio to 90% by FY2026 | Maintain the Casio Green Star product sales ratio at 80% or more | Casio Green Star Product salesratio: 71.6% | 〇 |
Raise the Casio Green Star product sales ratio at 80%or more |
Initiatives in Business Activities | Achieve zero emissions*1 of waste at business sites by FY2031 | Reduce the amount of waste generated (including valuable waste) by at least 3% compared to FY2020 | Reduced waste generated by Casio Group (including valuable waste) by 46.3% compared toFY2020 | ◎ | Reduce the amount of waste (including valuable waste) generated by at least 5% compared to FY2020 |
Achieve a landfill disposal rate*2 at least 4% | Landfill disposal rate: 4.4% | 〇 *3 |
Achieve a landfill disposal rate at least 4% | ||
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Reduce water intake at least 4% compared to FY2020 | Reduced water intake 17.9% compared to FY2020 | ◎ | Reduce water intake at least 5% compared to FY2020 |
*1 Casio Group’s definition of zero emissions:Landfill disposal rate =(final landfill disposalamount ÷ amount of waste (including valuable waste) generated) × 100 is 1% or less.
*2 Landfill disposal rate = (final landfill disposal amount ÷ amount of waste (including valuable waste) generated) × 100
*3 ○ evaluation determined based on at least 80% achievement of the target figure.